Its inevitable!

Some part of us, no matter how much we hate to admit or how much we try to convince ourselves otherwise-We all want to take the easy road. The shortcut, the quick fix, the system hack, we want the results with as little resistance and comfortability as possible.

When all we focus on are results and how amazing it will be to cross that finish line first, we end up attempting the shortcuts or try to hack our way through the system, we might actually get the results we want, but they then we don’t appreciate them.

The finish line, the championship trophy, the grammy, the diploma, the dream car, the beach house, the millionaire status. We all think that by getting these things we will be happy or satisfied.

But when we focus on the result and not the actions that get us there, once we achieve that ultimate goal, it doesn’t have feel like we wanted it to. At least not for very long. Thats why the G.O.A.T.’s talk about how fell in love with the process.

Tune into this episode to learn about how and why to fall in love with the process because there is no finish line to your faith, family, fitness or finances. All that sh*t is for life!

Hit me up if you want to learn how to fall in love with the process by going to

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